Friday, December 18, 2009
Rejoice! Don't you love holiday seasons?
personally, i especially enjoy the holiday season. i mean, why not? it's a time you can go shopping and walk around town looking for prezzies for others and yourself. and starbucks always have their seasonal drinks. haha. but there's soemthing different this year and that's carolling. nope, i won't be going to listen at carolling sessions, i'm actually goign to be in it. our hall choir is going to perform at white sands and sentosa. i hope things don't turn out too bad. lol
oh ya, besides killing sea serpents and watching anime/drama, i've been working on a mini side project. to find out more click the link to モモの狂乱日記. just something i decided to work on when the idea came upon me. more chapters should be coming soon.
december seems full of birthday parties for me. i have already attended 2 and there's still 1 more coming up. hmm....honestly i haven't figured out what to sing for gek theng's birthday party yet and it's only slightly more than a week away! suggestions please? i also dunno why but i'm supposed to perform for her party.
alright that's all for now. until next time, cya!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Advance! Moving on to other things...
hall olympiads are coming up which means i'll probably be in hall for practice and trainings most of the week despite it being the holidays. i gotta admit it's going to be fun but it's definitely tiring. but that's no excuse not to go to the gym! yes, i'll finally get to catch up in my personal training as well. yea, i'll do some running too.
holidays are the best time for, you said it, shopping! you don't really have to buy something all the time. walking around town, checking out the chic-, i mean, sights. it's something pretty fun to do. christmas is coming up, no harm keeping a lookout for some prezzies.
i've been looking high and low for a very important prop for my upcoming personal mini project. it's proving to be truly elusive but nonetheless, i will hunt it down!
oh ya, i've just started playing castle age on facebook. i think it's a really great way to waste time when you really have nothing else to do. hmm...i think it's time to take out my psp and ds huh? haha
HD2, HD2, when are you going to be released? starhub is going to release it tomorrow but singtel hasn't said a word. hello,singtel i better release it quick.....and with similar pricing and pre-order promo as starhub.......
ooh ooh, i finally unlocked shining star on jubeat and managed to full combo all 3 difficulties which got me the title: SYNTHESIZER EXPERT. yay. now i can focus on trying to unlock the rest of the songs. haha.
alright, that's all for now. time to go now, cya~
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Melancholy...Only despair awaits....
sigh, don't really want to disturb my other friends. afterall, they are having their own fair share of stress from the exams.
everthing else for that module seemed to be going fairly decent as well. not to mention there are lots of imba crazy muggers who spoil the market by getting ridiculous marks and cause the average to be equally ridiculous. i really got pwned....did i self-pwn? maybe. probably.
perhaps i'm destined to be the bottom feeder. i was really astonished by their reactions. it's like....they already accepted their fate long ago. somehow it's no wonder that i landed in this dismal situation. i don't know, maybe i would have felt better if i was the one who is solely responsible for causing this plight. some people say i'm just unlucky. oh well. at least i've seen a grade that probably most people can't even fanthom throughout their entire uni life. lucky me. haha.
now i really feel useless. i'm not good at studying, not good at sports, can't do anything particularly could say lacking in every department eh?
it's a really sickening feeling that i don't know how many people will actually get to experience. everything seemed ok, then suddenly you get whooped by some people who don't really seem to care. you get taken down when they self-destruct. you know, like in pokemon. everyone gets knocked out. mass destruction. boom.
i don't even know how many people will see this. sigh. but people are probably too busy and already too stressed to want to care about it. i wouldn't want to trouble them either. haha.
some people are stressed even when they already have A's for everything. some people have the money for retail therapy to destress. some people are already very well prepared. can afford to take a day off.
at this point of time i haven't really found a way to console myself. maybe i was expecting too much in the first place....
Doomed....Sometimes sh*t happens.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Exams! Haven't really had one in a while...
after the exams it's going to be christmas! time to go shopping and destress and play more jubeat! 1 more rank to unlock Shining Star. almost there. it's about time i got the g-shock i've been eyeing for quite a while and also some other stuff. oh ya, more time for gym and running and such. but there's also going to be HO and trainings.
for those of you wondering, nope, i still have no idea how my group did for the accounting project. the results should be out by this week though.
ugly betty and heroes are back in their 4th seasons! heroes is a bit boring. haven't really see the breakthrough yet. betty on the other hand just keeps getting better. she finally gets a (slight) improvement on her wardrobe with a new hairdo and specs! the braces are also coming off soon. the scriptwriters have to complicate things as usual by throwing amanda into the picture and turning things into a bizarre love triangle with betty and matt. although amanda is still looking hot, i still think she should just back off. haha.
i guess that's all the time i have for now. cya later!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Holiday? I think not...
i wish that was the case but unfortunately it's not. i'm sure many people looked foward to this weekend because it's a long weekend. a well deserved break. but, no, some people don't like holidays. and i have to suffer for it (again). if you want to see me, you can drop by TR154 at 1030 on Monday. yes, that's because apparently it's standardized that all AA101 tutors want to have it on that day. well, apparently there aren't that many AA101 tutorials on that day because i've not heard anyone else from other classes complaining that they have to be back in school. what a bummer. i guess people who made us sit in class for 2 hours in school on hari raya would have no qualms doing the same for deepavali. what was i thinking?
alright, that leaves me with a normal 2 day weekend. that's ok right? sure, if not for my AA101 group project (i fear for all of us. at this rate we'll flunk. time to pull it together guys!) and my IT business plan (yes the 20 page one). oh yea, not to mention my comm fund oral assessment. all 3 of the above items will be graded and make up a significant part of each module's grades. great. not to mention the tutorials for monday's lessons will have to be done.
and i seriously need to pick up my paycheck. that sum of money has been sitting in the A/P of my previous employer for way too long. i need to do some shopping. the zip on one of my berms broke. time to get a new pair. it sucks to be a student when you are broke, overworked and under-rested
if only that was all. sigh. what to do when a strong competitor arises?
i guess it's time to get some rest before working myself overtime and devoid myself of enjoyment for the next 2 days. good night~
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Crisis! Hell(-ish) week begins!
1) Comm fund written assessment tomorrow!
2) FM tutorials to be done by Friday!
3) Accounting Quiz to be done during weekend!
(they just told us today and we have like 4 days to study?!)
4) Biz law assignment (20% weightage) due on Monday!
(i've been at it since last thursday and i'm only 75% done)
5) Biz law tutorial presentation on Monday!
(our 3rd group member abandoned us so i'm left to run a 2 man show with my friend)
6) Access assignment due on next Tuesday! (it's a real pain to do)
i'll really need to allocate whatever time i have carefully bearing in mind practices here and there. phew hopefully i'll survive this week unscathed. alright, no more time to spare, cya~
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Recess! Time to do some reflection and look beyond...
ok, as a recap, things started out pretty much in a slump but fortunately things are starting to look better. hall is damn happening and it's lots of fun getting involved. and for some strange reason, class does seem somewhat interesting (though that doesn't really prevent myself getting into a daze during lectures. lectures just have this myterious effect which gives you an "out of body" experience. lmao) especially after i got rid of that tutor with a damn lousy attitude. my current FM tutor is at least 10x better than her.
i'm really thankful for the people around me that i've got to know. i really hate being alone and i need people to hang out with. hall is where i've really got to spend time with some really great friends. one thing i realized is that (at least in class context) nbs people tend to be rather competitive (i'm not excluding myself because i honestly have no idea how i behave in class) and because of this it's quite difficult to know them better (less group mates and some people who have a lot of tutorial classes in common with me). but i guess it's ok, it's something i can live with. but i MUST emphasize that people from hall 3 rock! haha.
(well, an exclusion clause applies to certain people in ntu who are plain annoying. there aren't many but there are still a few. hahaha)
ok, after retrospection, it's time to look into the future. let's start with the not-so-distant future. some things i plan to do by this week
1) finish my holiday assignments
2) file my notes and tutorials by module
3) do my reading up from textbook and other readings
4) not to forget to squueze in some fun
hmm....maybe i should look at the upcoming events as well
1) prepare for cult night
2) cult night
3) mug for exams
5) trainings for the various sports and games
6) HO!
7) christmas~*
hmm...looks like it's going to be tiring but a very enriching few months coming up. oh ya! i'm going to upgrade my phone after exams. maybe can start checking out what phone to get soon.
the jubeat ripples OST that was just released is super addictive! my only goal for jubeat now is to unlock shining star and full combo it on all levels. but it's going to take a while. probably after exams.
alright, that's all the time i have for now. going back to hall later. going to camp in hall and mug the whole week (at least most of it). cya!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Ripples! New horizons...

we'll be having IBG floorball tonight. hopefully we won't get trashed like what happened for basketball. i think that the things that you do in hall will be with you for a long time and for now i'll try to make the most of it. there's definitely more to uni life than just studying.
having said that, let's not neglect our academics and maybe i should go mug a little and then take a quick nap before dinner and IBG later. so, that's all for now. cya! :)
edit: just tried registering for the nike human race and the registration is full. sian.
Monday, September 7, 2009
The long awaited return...
so, why my sudden return? well, i guess sometimes you just need some alone time and rant. and hopefully someone will read this by chance and maybe get an idea of what's really on my mind and what's going on in my life. i mean sometimes people say i get too defensive when i try to share some thoughts with them. and i've noticed that it's a trend recently to give very harsh remarks to people in a vulnerable state. (less some good friends of course)
honestly things haven't been going so well. the most significant starting point was......NBS camp, or rather the rejection. it is highly speculated that this highly elusive camp accepted campers based on the photo attached to their application form. ok, so i took a photo and attached it to the form and submitted it. after weeks of waiting in anticipation, there was no notification. you could say i was really really disappointed (especially because one of my seniors was actually a chief GL and he kinda said he would pull me in). i must emphasize it was a great disappointement for me. oh well, i eventually tried to get over it. then i happened to see photos from the camp............i mean seriously.........somehow i doubt that they looked at the photos this year because of the overwhelming response rendered them unable to find the time to do so. it's not a generalisation but you see some of the campers and you think to yourself "...seriously?" (eventually i convinced myself that my application got lost in the mail. i know, i'm a little dillusional)
alright, let's put the whole NBS camp saga behind us. I still went for hall camp which was great fun. the good thing is that i made some very close friends. ok, let's fast foward a little to the events that took place a little more recently.
a few weeks ago we had interblock games, the first week was sports and the second was recreational games. it was an experience that made it dawn upon me that i suck. i can't play sports or recre games. ok, maybe i haven't found my niche, fine.
yea, last week was the campaigning period for JCRC. the week started last sunday from 2pm onwards. we painted banners (some of us by ourselves, some of us had plenty of help and some of us maybe just came a little late). by the time we ended it was, 2am or so? yup. subsequently we went door to door various times to get people to come down for rally or to give out our flyers. during the rally, i gave my best effort and showed the most genuine side of me. well, i guess all the sleepless nights and the effort i put in was still wasn't enough. my competition won by 20+ votes. little? a lot? that's for you to decide. yea it was a great experience but a loss is a loss. and now i'm faced with a daily reminder of my loss. i don't even know which subcomm to join or wether to join at all. i feel so lousy.
the very next day Han Yuan managed to convince me to give softball a try. i told him that i'm really bad at ball games but he insisted that as long as i'm willing to learn things will be fine. so i decided that i should make an effort to try. but when i told this to some friends, one particular person put me down really fast. it was something like "but you have no ball sense, how are you going to play softball". very encouraging indeed.
ok, so i made full use of the opportunity i had to join a cca that i really wanted to join, dragonboat. rowing was plenty of fun albeit i'm still a bit stiff (damn those band days where we had to sit in a posture as though there was a yardstick down our shirts). the land training composed of various components, gym (with barbells), running, pull-ups and medicine ball training. lifting weights is still somewhat ok for me because i've been gyming . but i'm a total flop when it came to the running, medicine ball and pull-ups. today was the first time i ran with the team in school. the running almost killed me especially with the hilly terrain in NTU with numerous incidence of uphill running. alright, i did say almost, so i managed to survive the running (lagging rather far behind from the rest though). next up medicine ball training. i barely caught my breath when we started and anyone who knows me well enough know that i'm terrible when it comes to balls, not to mention i was already almost out of breath. but miraculously, i somehow managed to survive. next up, pull-ups. i was surprised that i could still do my first set of 10 pull-ups with ease. but that's the end. by the time i finished my 2nd set, i was feeling so light-headed. i was seeing white and i could have sworn that i was very close to fainting. what a total embarassment. well, next week we are going to have trials and they are going to cut the team size. i will definitely put in my best effort, but that's no guarantee that i will be able to stay, considering i'll be such a burden. i'll definitely try to improve but will i be able to do so fast enough? we are talking about a competitive sport here. given the chance i would definitely want to strive towards competition level.
seriously, after i get cut i will have no idea what to do next. academic-wise, things don't look too bright either. i think i totally flopped the accounting quiz today. it's a very conceptual quiz and i think i still made a mess out of it. i did study for it ok. and when i tried doing my FM tutorial today i was completely stuck. i guess i'm not good at anything. sigh.
also, all this while i've been preparing for my driving test this saturday. personally i'm still pretty unconfident of my driving skills. i think the simple stuff like the crank course will just kill me. the circuit is really a nightmare. driving on the main roads is still ok but i don't know if i can even make it outside of CDC. God please save me.
i've been putting in so much effort for so many different things at different times but nothing seem to be working out for me. i really don't want to be a loser but i can't help feeling like one. as i meet failure after failure and continue to be faced by the prospect of failing again, i just feel so very jaded. along the way i've lost pretty much self-esteem. i wonder when will things start turning around, but i'm afraid i still haven't reached rock bottom yet.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Happiness! What a fulfilling day...
i woke up early because i had to reach CDC by 8am for my e-trial test subsequently followed by my BTT (yes, finally). the first time i did the e-trial i got 88% so the screened flashed "FAILED". i was stunned. luckily it was just the e-trial. after that, i tried another paper and passed. i finished quite fast so after doing some last minute reading up i went to the toilet. it's quite hard to find toilets where you have to pay 10cents to enter but you can still find them at CDC (they are so cheapo). ok, at least they are well-maintained. after that i went to do the actual BTT. i passed! yay! so i can start having practical lessons. after that i took a bus to bedok then took the MRT to tampines because...
it's the grand opening of th Uniqlo store today! it was soooooooooooo crowded. when i just got to the newly opened trampines 1, i looked high and low for the shop but to no avail. eventually i finally found it. it's at level 2 in case you wanted to know. they've got quite a wide range of clothes but the stuff for guys is not as varied as compared to the stuff for girls. really a lot of stuff for girls. i picked out a few items and headed to the fitting room. the queue was unbelieably slow. i waited around 40minutes to try on my clothes. i'd say the service is quite good though. they had a person who would help you get sizes if the piece you tried on doesn't fit right. well, by the time i got to the cashier it's about the near-end of lunch hour which meant that office people would have gone back and and hungry aunties would be having lunch so the queue at the cashier was temporarily shorter than usual (it was all the way from the cashier till the entrance) so i managed to pay in around 15minutes of queue-ing. i'll admit that currently it's a little overhyped and i hope things normalize soon. if not everyone will be wearing the same thing. phew~ after that i rushed back to office.
meh work is as usual. nothing much special but some colleagues got pretty excited when they saw me with the uniqlo pastic bag and wanted to see the catalogue i brought back. after work we headed over to RE to submit our timesheets (they better pay us on time this time round). after that i grabbed a quick dinner and headed down to the gym.
oh ya, before we left orchard and me heading to the gym, there was quite a commotion at orchard road. there was some topless chinese guy like walking in the middle of the busy road. then he got into a quarrel with some indian man and the TP and police came to restrain him. but surprisingly (or rather disappointingly) they didn't try to arrest him but tried to get him into a cab (which he refused to get in) which they just randomly flagged to stop(poor taxi driver. wasted his time waiting and he might have to fetch the crazy guy) . i think he's a little off his rockers. many people were speculating what happened. some guy beside me said "must be he fell out of the taxi". duh, no, don't anyhow assume can? so i made an even more exaggerated comment like "oh i think just now the man fell off Tangs leh". the worse thing is, the person on my other side heard me say this and actually considered it as a possibility. he said (to his friend) "people say he fell off the building leh. hmm...but if he fell he should be injured hor?" in a genuinely confused tone. *facepalm* singaporeans, other than standing around and watching "free shows", please use your brain a bit and not speculate/assume too much?
at the gym i whacked my shoulders and biceps today. wah damn tired.
which leaves me where i am right now. mentally kinda drained, physically also pretty tired. (forgot to mention bank account also kind of drained) well, like i said it's been an action-packed and very fulfilling day so i don't really mind.
hmmm...on another random note, i realized that those facial wash with "soap-free" formulas are a bit too acidic for me and tend to irritate my skin. i guess i have to stick to the "got soap" type.
okok, tired. going to sleep soon. so, until next time, cya and good night!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Back! With some ranting to be done...
my job mainly attributed to my lack of time to update this page. the pay is slightly lower than my previous job (end of last year) but the work is not as dry and boring. i get to talk to people occasionally instead of just archiving documents. my colleagues are an interesting bunch, with some more "interesting" than others. we really don't mean to be nasty to anyone but sometimes......certain people bug us. a lot.
things also seem to be going well at the gym. i think the training has been helping. guess i got a little stronger? but i'm still pretty weak. also getting to know more friends at the gym which is a good thing. definitely makes it more enjoyable (and safer) to train. hmm...i think i kind of hurt my wrist this week. it hurts when i bend it. hope it gets better soon. i really enjoy my time with them. hope we don't drift apart after uni starts.
sigh, but not everything has been going smooth. recently somebody i'm close to (and meet practically everyday) was having some mood swing of sorts. the person seems troubled but when i ask what's wrong the person will say "nothing" or "just tired". then when talk also give me attitude. in front of other people still pretend to be a bit more normal, but when it's just two of us, sometimes totally just give black face, don't talk, play with handphone. it's very agonizing for me. i'm not sure what's going through this person's mind, so i won't know how to help and i just endured this person's antics. but ok, being the kind of friend i am, i just take it as lightly as i can and try to keep the good spirits up. then after this person's computer got fixed, the person suddenly became more cheerful. (don't tell me the computer was the cause of all the emo-ness, moodiness, mood swings, bad attitude and such...) ok, that's good. i also feel happy for this person.
today was also another disappointment. i suddenly had a very strong urge to go club. (i haven't gone for months) so i started asking my friends. and i got rejected. i practically asked everyone i know. primary school friends, secondary school, jc, ns, gym. but nope. some were busy. some were kind of interested but i just couldn't find more people from that group. some just got home and were tired. some just turned me down flatly. i mean maybe it's the activity? but probably not because the same thing happens whenever i try to ask people out. dinner, movie, or whatever. i'm sure some of you had received my random messages and calls. do i really have anyone to count on? when people ask me to go out, i'm usually "on". even when i say "see first" which usually means "no, i'm not going to be there" for most people, there's still a high chance i will still go. so how come when i try to get people to go out, people generally don't want to go out with me? am i such a big turn off? as evidence that this is not the first time, please read my post from december as evidence that similar cases have happened. maybe i should just give up.
another disappointing thing i realized. the person (who's supposed to be back to normal now) does not seem keen on trying to make any effort when i tried to discuss my problems. the person keeps giving half-hearted comments which aren't very constructive and just say for the sake of saying. i thought i could discuss my frustrations with this person and be understood. but i'm not sure why. this person has changed? i have changed? don't seem to understand each other anymore. what's going on?
another person i was talking to said it would be better when i find a girlfriend. yup. i think so too. i think i'm the kind who likes having someone to spend time with. i don't think i'll mind if she's a little sticky (as long as she can give me a little personal time like gym time). the sad thing is, where am i supposed to find? don't know why i'm so picky also. and so far everytime i tried, i will get rejected. (maybe it's just my fate to get rejected by girls and by my friends?)
going on austrailia trip soon. i really really wanted to go tokyo instead but well, someone in the group just went japan recently and didn't really seemed keen. being the kind of complying person i am, just went along even though i'd really love to go japan with the money instead (i don't mind going for a shorter trip). at first we started with 5 ppl. then slowly left with 3 ppl. i knew that if i pulled out the trip would've probably been cancelled. well now we managed to get 1 more person not from the original group. it's a self-funded trip so i'm going to be very very very broke.
maybe i'm just too complying for my own good? because i don't want other people to be disappointed, i just want them to be happy, sometimes i just overlook my own interests. then when i look back, sometimes i will regret and ask myself why am i so foolish. so am i supposed to say "no"? because of my complying quality, some people might see me as "without a mind of my own" or "unable to make decisions". i guess it's a turn off for girls huh? but normally when i voice out my opinions like when i say "i'd prefer not to eat fast food" people will say i'm very picky and hard to please. can someone please explain which is it? i seriously hope people aren't just putting the blame on me because it's convenient to do so. i'm a simple guy and i'll just take it that i'm in the wrong most of the time. please don't abuse me. because when i realize that i've been played...........i'll flip. and it will get nasty.
i'm still in a state of confusion but as i go i'd like to share a song somebody just shared with me. it's a very nice song (and the singer is very pretty). enjoy and bye!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Happy CNY! May good fortune befall on you!
good news! i've found a job! come wednesday i'll be starting work at my new workplace. hope the people will be nice and everything will turn out well. so what has happened to my to-do list? i'm proud to say i managed to do most of the things i've mentioned. let's go through item by item!
1) apply for my BTT at the kovan branch office of the driving centre
this one is not done. haha.
2) change my old bank passbook for a new one (because the old one is all filled up)
yup, check. got my new passbook from the centrepoint branch
3) get whey protein and a shaker (probably going down to the TSW warehouse at toa payoh. save on delivery charges)
went down all the way to the ulu warehouse. the customer service was pretty good. in the end the guy managed to convince me to get this

got the strawberry flavoured one. tastes pretty much like strawberry milkshake. yummy. it's a promo item so i got it at a discounted price and got freebies! like this t-shirt

honestly it's a bit big la. and also this

shaker. also got a free issue of DXL magazine.
4) get a new wallet and some more uhh....inner wear (probably from robinsons)
did get the stuff but not from robinson's though. ended up buying undies from BHG and got the wallet from Taka. i won't be showing any undies but here's some shots of my wallet.

it was on sale so i managed to get it at less than $100. woot~
5) get new gym gear (since there's a sale and i have discount coupon)
surprisingly got it at robinson's because they were having 30% off nike stuff. heh heh.

just a very basic singlet. nothing too fancy.
i think i mentioned this earlier but there isn't much of a chinese new year mood this year so i didn't get down to getting new shoes and everything. i only managed to get one t-shirt after browsing through shops in bugis and walking from one end of town to the other. (from far east to wheelock to wisma to taka to paragon to heeren to cine to centrepoint to PS to the cathay)

it just seems like clothes nowadays either look unappealing to me or just plain overpriced. sigh~
BREAKING NEWS: fridge just broke down....where to find a place to buy a new fridge today??!!! even if the place is open what are the chances that they are going to deliver now?? of all days.............
okok. in order to salvage the situation we are going to have a steamboat lunch now. be right back.
~~~~ Interlude ~~~~
yup i'm back. just bought a pack of ice from downstairs to keep the remaining stuff chilled longer. probably going down to courts later to get a new fridge.
during chinese new year there will be a lot of fengshui masters who will give readings for the different zodiac signs and such. my personal stand is that it's ok to listen but just don't take it too seriously. especially for the bad things. let's say the prediction is that you will have bad luck in love for the year and you have that mentality in your mind of course nothing good is going to come out of it. it will be a self-fufilling prophecy. it's all in the mind i'd say.
hmm...i'm wondering... i think i should relook at how i do my training and pick up as much from my friends in the gym as possible. need to adjust in order to become stronger. think i'm still quite weak. sometimes it's good to go back to the basics. maybe i can try to have a more focused goal?
oh ya! my new workplace is ok with casual wear (like jeans and tee) for office attire! a good excuse to get more tops. but feel like getting some simple ones. how's topman? cotton on? i'll go have a look after CNY. is there such a thing as post CNY sale? won't be much of a problem since i work in town now. buahahaha
got to run now. byebye~~ have a happy chinese new year!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Making the most of the situation! My to do list...
well i woke up as usual and surfed my usual forums. after lunch i got quite emo but a friend on the forum suggested i should just go to gym (which i was planning to anyway) and work my emo-ness away. well i guess it kinda worked. did some running and focused mainly on my core today. met some of my gym buddies. the thing is the gym plays class 95 and the theme they had for this weekend is hits from the 80's. as you can imagine mambo hits such as "together forever", "venus" and "don't you want me" started popping up. my natural mambo instinct was to start dancing mambo but fortunately there was enough sanity in me to stop myself from doing so and embarassing myself in the gym. haha. it was hard but i survived. lmao. after that went to meet ed at amk and we played jubeat at the arcade. it's really good for destressing. had dinner then went back for more. managed to get a few more S's. heh heh.
oh yeah, i realized something about songs in the 80's. apparently the hottest words to use in lyrics from that time are "yeah~", "baby" and "c'mon". haha. just a random comment.
okok, time to get to the to do list. as mentioned i hope to accomplish these tasks before i start my new job. so here goes:
1) apply for my BTT at the kovan branch office of the driving centre
2) change my old bank passbook for a new one (because the old one is all filled up)
3) get whey protein and a shaker (probably going down to the TSW warehouse at toa payoh. save on delivery charges)
4) get a new wallet and some more uhh....inner wear (probably from robinsons)
5) get new gym gear (since there's a sale and i have discount coupon)
besides this maybe i'll try to squeeze in a session of swimming between my gym schedule. probably visit the arcade to play jubeat and level up. and i'll continue looking for a job.
okok, time to go now. so until next time, bye bye~
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Uneventful...*Cough Cough*
been down with the flu bug from wednesday to friday so i was pretty much out of any gym action. it has been an extremely boring and uneventful week. no new episode of gundam 00 this week, no manga releases from weekly shounen jump like bleach or naruto or reborn or psyren, heroes is on break till february, ugly betty returns only next week. sheesh. i wonder how i survived the past week. well, ed found a temp job so helping him find his office wear did help a bit. (his first office job so we had to start from scratch.) well, the good thing is that a lot of girls are in the cny shopping mood so we got quite a bit of eye candy to look at. heh heh.
most of my time spent at home was spent looking for jobs on websites and in the classified ads or surfing forums like . asking for my previous pay too much? i really don't know. i really hope to find a job by this week. hmm...i will probably be needing a haircut by next week before cny. see how lor. since the salon i usually go to is so close to the gym and considering i go there thrice a week.
yawnz~ hardwarezone is so lag at this time....sigh~ bored~ been thinking abt some stuff. ok la, until next time. bye bye~
Thursday, January 1, 2009
New year, new beginnings! Retrospection and expectations
let's have a look at my last kills for 2008.

took a walk around town the other day because of all the year end sales going around hoping to get some steals. got this tee from zara. saw it a while ago but wanted to wait till it got on sale which it did. yay!
then i went to fox and saw that the tees were going at 30% off. managed to pick out 2 tees with rather simple designs, but the cutting is pretty comfy. then before i went to pay, the salesperson i could get an additional 15% off if i paid using a dbs credit/debit card. woohoo~
went for countdown yesterday with ed at zouk. we tried to get company but the girls wanted to have their own little gathering at shuyi's house and we were pretty set on going because it happens to be mambo nite.but never mind, in the end we saw quite a few of our friends there. the dancing started around 11plus with mostly random songs with a few mambo hits here and there. surprisingly the crowd isn't THAT bad as expected. we counted down and the dancing continued. it got to a point where the music totally didn't match our taste so we went over to phuture for a while. when we got to phuture the music is pretty ok but the crowd was horrible. it was mostly young bengs and lians there. we got ourselves some drinks and went back to zouk. we chilled out at for a while until the mambo hits starting playing at around 3.30am? that's when the real deal got going. the mambo regulars who were looking damn bored on the podium suddenly burst into life and the "synchronized dancing" started. we were moving our bodies and doing hand signs all the way till 6.15am when the lights came on. it was fun but really tiring. i came home, took a shower and concussed until 3pm.
after last night i have come to make 3 conclusions:
1) drinking sucks. and it is possible to have fun in the club without drinking alcohol (especially if it's mambo) but do try to stay hydrated
2) 80% of the girls that club are either too chui (cannot make it) or too old. the other 20% come with their boyfriends. so, never go to a club and hope to find a decent(-looking) girl.
3) beware of drunk OLs who might try to take advantage of you (don't ask.)
ok after all the fun and excitement, it's time to get to some serious stuff.
honestly, 2008 wasn't that bad of a year. for most of the year i was in the army. went to taiwan for an overseas exercise. got introduced to a new church. came out of army. went on holiday. got a job. made some pretty great friends along the way.
well, there were emo and sucky times too. like how my current predicament has made me think a lot recently. the company decided to fix headcount because of the financial situation so they are letting all the temps go. yup that means as of now, i'm jobless (again). i got pretty distressed when i heard this. no more income? is this the end for me and my newly befriended colleagues? i have to stay at home looking for a job and just stone again? and now i have to compete for jobs with those who ORD-ed in december? i'm back at square one? the feeling of sliding back was terrible. after days of mulling around, a flash of insight hit me. i'm not exactly back at square one. the one month plus of working wasn't for nothing. there were things i've gained without knowing. i've made some money. i've gained some job experience. i've got to know some gym buddies. and i've probably gained many other things i don't know yet.
oh well, so i guess i'm back to looking for a decent paying job. i've contacted job agencies and just gotta wait and hope they will contact me soon as i continue to plow through the classified ads. actually i think it won't be that bad since the all the students have to get back to school so any positions they were holding would be open.
i have high expectations for what is to come this year. hopefully i'll find a temp job that i'll like so i can earn some money before uni and to keep me occupied lest i might just go crazy staying at home. hopefully i'll manage to meet someone this year when the time is right. hopefully i'll enjoy myself at the university when it starts in august. and i'm looking foward to meet more people as i go through the various phases in my life.
well, that's all the time i have for now. until next time then. bye bye~