Saturday, August 7, 2010

Hiatus~ Finally a new update!

after slacking for around 3 months, it's finally time for a new post!

been pretty slack recently. everyday is about swimming and gymming and finding random short term jobs. this includes sitting at carparks for hours watching cars that goes by, conducting games for a family day, being a high class bangla for a day and selling laptops at NUS again.

selling laptops usually pay quite well, but as usual, conflicts are inevitable. wether it's misunderstandings or because people tend to have preconceived notions about one another, somehow things get ugly when it comes down to money especially if you don't know each other well enough. i think this time it was epsecially bad because half of the people were actually friends which naturally caused them to form 1 clique. it was only normal for the rest of us to form the other clique. oh whatever, it's not like we are going to see those barbaric people again. if they want to think badly of us, it's only because they don't even know us.

FOC is just around the corner and it's time for us to make our final preparations. need to gather even more manpower, settle our logistic needs and reallocate manpower. i really hope we manage to pull the monster hunt and mini o's off. we've put in many months of hard work for this. and freshie girls, please don't hate me if you think i've made it too scary. haha.

alrite that's all for now. cya!