the official tracklist (*names of track in preview version in brackets):
01.龙战骑士 (*魔杰座)
02.给我一首歌的时间 (*女儿红)
03.蛇舞 (*东方之殿)
04.花海 (*红楼梦中)
05.魔术先生 (*失恋的青蛙)
06.说好的幸福呢 (*失落的非主流)
07.兰亭序 (*从新爱)
08.流浪诗人 (*大灌篮)
09.时光机 (*达芬奇的画布)
10.乔克叔叔 (*小丑)
i feel that these song titles are way more appropriate than those on the preview edition. this track order is also much better. all these factors added up gives the official album a much better overall presentation. i like this album a lot more because of that too.
apart from the songs i've mentioned in the earlier review, i find that 给我一首歌的时间 is also worth a mention. it's a soothing slow song. very K-able. (*note: K-able = good song to sing at the karaoke) 说好的幸福呢 reminds me of Landy's 祝我生日快乐 which was of course written by Jay himself.
the title track 稻香 really gets to you after a while. it's a very light-hearted song that talks about how we should just take things easy in life sometimes. somehow it just makes you want to get in touch with nature, probably because of the lyrics about the scent of wheatfields and the cricket sounds at the beginning on the song. (until you start thinking about the annoying mozzies and how all the grassy scents would just trigger off your nose into a sneezing frenzy that is. haha.)
well, that's all for now. until next time~
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