why did i decide to start a blog you might ask? oh well, as i've got some free time on hand recently i decided to might start on a new project to spend some time fruitfully(?). second, i also found i needed a medium for my endless ranting (especially when i have nothing else to do). third, i also thought that if i catalogued my shopping misadventures, i might actually realize how much i'm spending and this might help curb my cravings (hopefully). so, yes, this is also going to be my shopping journal! yes, perfectly normal guys can also have shopping journals. fourth, well there is no fourth yet and i'll tell u if i think of more reasons. anyway, if you're looking for profound or emo stuff here, you are barking up the wrong tree (well, at least most of the time).
alright, let's get started shall we? for my super special extra long virgin post, i'll cover my top buys for the month of September! (surprisingly i've managed to control myself so far for October)
first up, *drumroll*, my new pair of denims!

was looking out for a new pair with slim fit when i managed to get this at levi's when they were having a sale. (hmmm...don't they always have sales?) after discount i think it still wasn't very cheap la, around $100plus a bit liddat. love the cut! when i tried it on i just knew i had to get this. oh ya, the wallet chain u see in the pic is my own (got it earlier this year). there was a denim version of the chain (so it's more like a strip) that came with this pair. i thought this would look better so i changed it. recently i've been wearing this pair quite a lot. so...it's a good buy.
next up!
this was purely an impulse buy. the store was having a sale and the design really juz got me from afar. BUT it's a good impulse buy, not the kind that's left hanging on the hanger. it's definitely a steal!
last (in case you were wondering, they are just being listed out in the order i bought them):
this is one of the cases when the display on the mannequin actually got me into the shop. haven't got to wear it yet but i'm planning to wear it tomorrow. but so far so good!
ok! i'm done with the shopping journal part of this post! why don't we move to the review of the last movie i watched? the last movie i watched was...
yup, House Bunny! stars Anna Faris and also Katharine McPhee of AI fame. Anna's character is a super stereotypical bimbotic blonde from the playboy mansion. she got kicked out and she finds herself becoming the housemother for the outcast zeta house. well, she helps them get popular, they help her get her guy who isn't just into looks rah rah rah. predictable main plot aside, there were many antics and dumb blonde jokes that just got us laughing. it's just a light hearted comedy that you can watch when your mind just needs a techincal break. it pretty much served it's purporse and it is better than some other movies i've watched recently.
Phew~ that was quite a lot but, hey, since this is the 2 hour premiere, heck, i'll throw in an album review too. and the album i'll be reviewing is...
S.H.E - 我的電台 FM S.H.E (wo de dian tai FM S.H.E)
the first time i listened to this as though i was just listening to a regular album where i just browsed through the tracks and most of the songs didn't leave much of an impression. but a few days later i gave it a second chance and listened to it from the very first track and it was a totally different experience! the theme of this album is to sound like you're listening to the radio with certain tracks that sound like the dj is talking. what really cracked me up was the track "xi bi fu ren shi jian" where hebe tries to play an aunt agony role and selina pretends to be a caller who needs a little help in her love life. selina's character is pretty shameless and admits that she is quite pretty even though her face is a little round and was quite proud that a middle-aged guy tried to hook her up even though she was too busy to give him her number. there are actually many good tracks that really stick in your head after a while. like the song "bi ni jian" sounds like a revamped version of the MJ oldie "billy jean" and "an jing le" is a rearranged version of jay chou's "an jing". there's also my personal favourite "612 xing qiu" which is loosely based off the book "the little prince", the story about the prince who lives on his home located on asteroid 612 and has feelings for his rose (it's pretty hard to explain here, you should read it for yourself. it's a classic). if you haven't heard this album i'd reccommend you get your hands on it and listen asap!
hmm...while we are at it, why don't we end off with yet another album review?
Jay Chou - 魔杰座 (Capricorn) [Preview Edition]
personally if you asked me, i'd expect more from a jay chou album. it actually isn't bad but just not up to the expectations for a jay album. there are tracks i like though. this album generally has a soft, slower feel to it. the song "dao xiang" is reminiscent of his older song "ting ma ma de hua" and has a very Nan Quan Ma Ma touch to it. the song "shi lian de qing wa" is one of the mid-fast tempo songs and has a cutesy presentation. it also cleverly uses a line from jay's song "niu zai hen mang" from his previous album. "hong lou meng zhong" is a slow song that kinda leaves an impression too.
alright, that's the end of the deluxe premier edition of my blog! look forward to more random posts in the future with more shopping updates or just some of my ranting! heh heh.
1 comment:
hi hi! wah. nice post.
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