the third and final (?) installment of the story of Troy, Gabriela and friends in their little sugar-coated land called East High. somehow i wasn't even surprised when they started bursting into song in less than 5 minutes of airtime.i mean, it was the successful formula that warranted a third chapter to this series with the teen-bopping music and all. i'd have to admit that the music was pretty good actually. it did, afterall, keep me from feeling nauseous which i would have considering how lovey dovey the perfect couple troy and gabriela was. brrrr......
there were a few things, however, that did got me confounded. like how troy's magical grime-defying white v-neck never gets dirty, even in a scrapyard. now wonder he wears it for so many scenes in the movie. and how the wet green paint that got on his hands doesn't stain the white railing he touches immediatly after that. i understand the theatrics, but, running straight to class after getting drenched in a mysterious morning shower while spinning around on the rooftop? but most importantly, how Vanessa Hudgens' legs are so damn hot. (and yummy~)
Oh well everything ends well with people going to Stanford, Yale and Juliard amongst other colleges. i guess it's ok to watch such peppy shows once in a while.
alright, i'm actually pretty edgy today so things are going to get a little angsty for the rest of the post.
first, i was going to the gym before i went to meet the rest so like any other person, i waited for the bus. if you must know, the bus i waited for isn't really that popular a ride so SBS very cleverly makes it comes rather infrequently. and so the bus finally arrives but the driver just drove off, totally disregarding all the people at the bus stop. like totally WTF? so i had to wait for the next bus which, as usual, took really long to come. that really wore my patience out a lot for the day. but, nevermind.
next, after dinner, we were on the way to cine to get the tickets. then, it happened, yet again...
no~~ nobody ever believes the person who's always the victim. they don't care because it never happens to them. i frequently tell them "it's the danger zone" whenever we go out to town but they continue to courageously march under the trees along the stretch of the road to heeren. bam! (or more precisely, splat!) i got hit by bird droppings for the upteen number of times. honestly, i've lost count. so i try to wash it off, but it just doesn't come off. i don't know what nuts that damned bird has been eating but it just left a sickly green stain on my t-shirt. so i started my new quest to get a t-shirt. yea my friends put in some effort to help me but eventually just gave up. i mean, sure, it's not them what. i guess no one looks at me so nobody would notice the green area on my shoulder. maybe i'm just too self-conscious. but having to wear that stained t-shirt really got me pissed. there's only so much heat a guy can take.
something has been really getting to me recently as well. for some unknown reason my mum has been extra annoying and unreasonable after her trip to shanghai (i forgot to mention, she didn't bring any souvenirs for me. thanks ah.) she made a hell lot of noise when i asked her to buy the straits times yesterday since she was going down to pick my brother up anyway. she went on and on about how picky i am because i refuse to read the business times which she got for free from her subscription to the chinese paper. come on, if they are really the same why would SPH bother to run 2 different papers? and, hey, i'm under no obligation to read it just because you got it free. if i wanted to read it, i would have, you telling me to do so won't make a wee bit of a difference. she also prattled on about how i buy stuff that are "made in china" when we are going to hong kong in november and should have waited till then. what kind of logic is that?
actually one of the scenes in the movie reminded me of the time when i was preparing for my prom. if only my mum was half as supportive as troy's mum. i didn't even asked her to spend a single cent on my prom stuff ok but she just went on disapproving my clothes, saying it's so~~~~ expensive and whatnot. i only got a shirt, shoes, pants, belt and a tie. i didn't even get a blazer....i already tried my best to keep the budget reasonably low considering i had to pay for everything myself and everything came out of the savings i made out of my own effort. she thinks she's a modern woman with an open-mind. but in reality she's really in her own world and is as stubborn as an ass. (so much so she probably is one) i mean, look at what she told my cousin about her birthday. she said that my cousin should be careful of which guy cuts her birthday cake because some guy who likes her might want to cut it to "show off"? show off what? that he's a good cake cutter? if anyone not living in the 50's or mars can find the logic in that piece of admonishment please kindly point it out to me ok? really can't stand her antics anymore.
ugh...that was a mouthful (handful, whatever). i hope tomorrow will be a better day. damn, i miss the days when my mum was overseas. oh well, until next time then. cya.
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