tuesday's grey and wednesday too
thursday, i don't care about you
it's friday, i'm in love!
...and then it's saturday and sunday! weekends are the time when we can take that short break from all the business in our lives. it's when we really are living ain't it? haha. wether we are working or studying, everybody looks foward to the weekends. (well, most of us anyway)
honestly weekdays haven't been that bad recently (better enjoy it while it lasts), but weekends are still definitely better. sleeping in, eating breakfast at home, gym, run. just some of the things that make weekends, weekends. (okok, i know i gym and run on weekdays also but i still prefer to go hg gym and meet up with my buddies there. school gym....ok la i only know a few people whom i bump into occassionally)
speaking of which, i desperately need new shorts to wear to the gym! i simply don't have enough to keep up with my training schedule! really need to make that trip to queensway soon.

the shorts i'm looking for (picture drawn completely from my memory)
if anyone happens to see this in M size please tell me ok? for some reason it's really hard to find. (argh, robinson's why don't you restock)
i realized i've been too slack with my running recently so i decided to increase the intensity! got to watch out for my diet as well. i've just learnt that fruit juice may not be that good for you. no more fruit juice! no more supper! rawr! and i also decided to focus a bit more on training my deltoids! it's one of the most neglected and underrated muscle groups. time to throw in more exercises which involve my delts from now on.
got to remind myself to stick to my new year's resolution to be brave. be more daring and forthcoming. i don't think there's much to lose.
oh ya! h00ts for CNY have arrived! i'll probably do a short feature on my next post. kind of like a preview of sorts? haha.
okok, time to go. got to watch the stats e-lecture tomorrow morning then go to the gym in the afternoon. that's all for now, cya~