it's a movie called cape no.7 (海角七號). it's a taiwanese movie and apparently it was quite a big hit there. well the cinema was quite full so i guess the response here isn't too bad as well. watched it at the cathay with ed and momo (a.k.a sheng chao. another of my buddies). it's pretty hard to describe. the spine of the story is that there's going to be a concert at the beach by a japanese star (kousuke atari), but one of the resident committee heads kicks a big fuss and manages to convince the organisers to put in some local acts. and so an audtition was held and a make-shift band was formed, led by the committee head's son, Aga (portrayed by van fan). but the true nature of the movie is romance. whilst there were many different situations faced by the different characters in the movie the main ones were the blossoming romance between Aga and Tomoko (portrayed by tanaka chie), interlaced with the love story between an unnamed teacher and yet another Tomoko which took place in 1945. the 1945 story is cleverly unravelled through 7 letters the teacher wrote to kojima tomoko during the 7 days he spent on the ship home to japan.
i wouldn't exactly say it's a movie that tugs at your heartstrings and make you want to cry like 881, but it is a beautiful movie. the scenery of the beach is very beautiful, the local taiwan flair makes it very beautiful. the movie ends with no particular endings to certain characters' situations. but i guess there's perfection in imperfection. sometimes things are beautiful because there are flaws. sometimes in life, things are like that. they may get better or they don't. at least for that moment in time. and there's still room for imagination. very nice movie.
....okok time to get to the gist of my post but before i say anything else, i want to say what i have got to say from this point on has nothign to do with the movie. it just happened to dawn upon me today ok.
i had a realization today. there's really no point in being so 花痴 (if you don't understand i also don't know how to rephrase. chee hong? despo?). i mean, romance will come when it comes. it's not something you go around looking for. i guess the person will just appear when the time is right. no point pining for it and wasting your energy just longing for it. there are better things to do with that energy and by not focusing on just that one thing, you can actually appreciate the other things you have around you.
i don't know, recently i've just been making quite a few different realizations causing different parts of me to change. i feel that i've been growing a lot recently. kind of like a growth spurt. not physically la, not like i've been getting much taller since secondary school. more of me as a person. it's not something that others can see but it's something that i can feel and that i know. i guess this is part of growing up? i'm not saying i'm totally matured as a man now but i know i'm taking one step at a time. i know i'm slowly leaving some of my childish thoughts and behaviour and wilful ways behind.
at this point of my life i've come to understand that there are certain things that you've just got to figure out yourself. some things just can't be told to you by others and you have just got to explore your own views and principles in order to reach the next level.
i want to be less self-indulgent. i really mean it. take things slow la. don't expect me to change totally tomorrow but bit by bit i want to change. looking back, i have come a long way from the shy little boy i was. slowly gaining experience, slowly getting more confident. but i don't just want to stop here, i hope to continue growing. overcoming my own insecurities.
haha, also don't know why i'm so philosophical today. maybe it's the cool breeze getting to my head. oh well, that's all the time i have tonight, still got work tomorrow. looking foward to another day at work. though the work may not be really interesting, the people are and i do enjoy their company even though i don't really talk to some of them (some female co-workers). and tomorrow is gym day! haha. if you guys haven't realized, i love going to the gym. the familiar smell of the air freshener just puts my mind at ease for some reason. okok, really got to go already. nitez~
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